What Does :P Mean In Texting And On Social Media? (10+ Examples) (2025)

Have you been using emojis while texting before? Maybe you’ve been using the famous 😛 without realizing what it means, so we’re going to talk you through it and everything it stands for today.

What Does 😛 Mean?

😛 is an emoji that you often send in a sheepish and flirty way. It can also mean that you are sticking your tongue out at someone in a taunting or humorous way. It is designed to look like a face with a sticking out tongue. If you turn your head to the left, you will see how the colon (:) is the eyes, and the letter P is the mouth and tongue.

How To Use 😛 In A Flirty Way

Now that we’ve got the meaning out of the way, it’s time to see it in action. If you’ve seen it used but you’re not entirely sure how to use it yourself, these examples are a great way for you to understand it a little better. We’ll show you first how we can use the emoji 😛 in a flirty way. You’ll typically want to use it in this manner when you’re talking to a crush, a partner, or a friend with who you’re close.

  • I can’t wait to see you later 😛
  • I had a great time today 😛
  • You looked good in that dress earlier 😛
  • Wow, I can’t believe how close we are to each other. You should come to see me 😛
  • I’m right behind you 😛
  • Why are you teasing me like that? 😛
  • Stop being cheeky and kiss me 😛

As you can see, most of the time, when we use :P, we’re playful and cute in this manner. You’ll most likely use this when you’re joking with your crush and not wanting to come across too strong. If you sent one of these messages without the 😛 face at the end, sometimes the message is received incorrectly and can make for some awkward interactions. Make sure you know your audience, though, because not everyone likes the 😛 face in a flirty way.

How To Use 😛 In A Funny Way

Now let’s look at the more appropriate and popular way to use :P. We use it in a funny way when we’re trying to make a joke or make light of a situation. Most people understand that 😛 is designed to be a funny face and is designed to replicate the idea that you’re sticking your tongue out at somebody after joking around with them or playing a prank on them.

  • Did you see the look on her face? 😛
  • Wow, you looked awful in that dress 😛
  • You’re hilarious 😛
  • We should go and see that movie to see how bad it is 😛
  • I can’t believe you got away with that in class today 😛
  • You’re never going to let me live that down 😛
  • He told the funniest joke to me today 😛

As you can see, we use 😛 in this way to lighten the mood and show that we’re not talking seriously. It’s a great way to keep the conversation friendly and for both the recipient and sender of the text to know that it is a light-hearted conversation above all else.

Is It Wrong To Send The 😛 Emoji To Your Family?

Some people are worried about using the 😛 emoji in a family chat or with one family member. However, these people do not need to worry. There is nothing wrong with using the 😛 emoji with your family. Of course, if you’re using it in a flirty way, you’re going to come across some problems, so make sure you don’t do that at any time.

However, if you use the funny variation of it, you’ll be fine to use it with your family. You don’t want to use it in any other way, though. There is a chance that you can use the 😛 emoji wrong with your family, and that’s if you’re using it sarcastically. If you use 😛 in a funny way to make light of a situation that the other family member considers serious, you could end up in trouble. Be careful using it in this way.

Is It Wrong To Send The 😛 Emoji To Your Friend?

What about friends, then? Well, there is much less difficulty using the 😛 emoji in text chains with your friends. In fact, you’re able to use all versions and variations of it just fine. As long as you know your friends well and understand that they won’t mind you using the emoji in your chat, then you’re good to use it whenever you want to.

Whether using the flirty, funny, or sarcastic variation, a 😛 face is always good to use with friends.

Other Variations Of The 😛 Emoji And Their Meanings

Let’s quickly touch on some other variations that are similar to the 😛 emoji to see what they might mean. There are a few different ones that you might come across.

  • xP – 😝

The “x” is used to show a squinting face with its tongue out (rather than having both eyes open). It’s used to show a sense of fun or excitement in a conversation.

  • ;P – 😜

The semicolon here is used to show a winking face along with the tongue out. This emoji is used more flirty or to show a sense of wackiness or fun in the general chatter. Oftentimes, people will use this when talking to a girlfriend, boyfriend, or crush.

Is There A Difference Between 😛 And :P?

Finally, some people wonder about the difference between 😛 and 😛 as emojis. However, the two emojis can be used interchangeably. In fact, it depends mostly on the platform that you use. Some platforms will convert 😛 to a tongue out emoji face, while others need the 😛 for it to work. The only difference is that the – is seen as the nose on the face. Otherwise, you can use both in the manners we’ve mentioned above.

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What Does :P Mean In Texting And On Social Media? (10+ Examples) (2025)


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